
lymphatic function

Comprised of lymph fluid, capillaries, vessels, nodes, and organs, the lymphatic system is separate from, yet supports the nervous, vascular, and endocrine systems. Lymph TRANSPORTS proteins, hormones, lipids, hydration, and WASTE throughout the body – including the brain and spine.

With roughly 600 lymph nodes STRATEGICALLY located throughout tissue, the lymphatic system – the body’s immune powerhouse – is responsible for FILTERING and circulating 2+ liters of lymph daily through the human machine.


lymph HEALTH

Stagnation in lymphangions creates a SATURATION burden within the surrounding tissue that will present as misleading mystery SYMPTOMS – when the body can no longer compensate for the tissue burden.

Contrarily, scar tissue becomes dry and ADHESIVE, acting as a roadblock for all fluid attempting to pass. When lymph can no longer flow through its designated pathways providing HYDRATION to surrounding tissue, range of motion and performance suffer.

lymph FLOW

Lymph is the ocean of the body and BATHES the interstitium – the extracellular space – between the vascular, muscular, nerve and organ structures. Unlike the two-way cardiovascular system, which RELIES on the heart pump for blood CIRCULATION efficiency, the lymphatic system is one-way and relies on its peristaltic-like movements for FLUID circulation.

Lymph is therefore inherently more SUSCEPTIBLE to circulation inefficiency than blood and REQUIRES manual stimulation when stagnant.


MMLD manually facilitates full body lymph FILTRATION and circulation for reduced inflamm-aging and optimal healthspan. MMLD systematically increases and decreases lymphatic pressure throughout the body to OPTIMIZE tissue health while boosting immune and NEURAL function.

The intricately designed glymphatic and lymphatic systems are powerful PROTECTORS of the internal fluid environment for the ENTIRE body and must FLOW for QUALITY longevity.



“The lymphatic system is the most likely system in the human body to be underestimated in significance, misunderstood physiologically, and disregarded diagnostically.”

Rebecca Mailloux

ANGION Founder | CNS Foundation Co-Founder




Radiation and thickness burn recovery require the rehydration of damaged tissue. MMLD rehydrates damaged and dehydrated tissue, restoring nerve function.

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Regardless of the body site location or cause, scar tissue creates a disruption in tissue hydration and function. MMLD rehydrates scar tissue and damaged fascia, improving mobility.

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Oversaturated tissue suffocates nerve and muscle function, creating a stagnant environment. MMLD drains inefficient and stagnant tissue, removing pain and misleading mystery symptoms.

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Soft tissue damage can result in deformity, pain, swelling, and loss of nerve function. MMLD stimulates damaged tissue, removing cellular debris and facilitating healing.

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