
CNS | Converging NeuroKinetic Systems

Traditional neural recovery treatments focus on isolating the management of symptoms rather than addressing underlying neuroplastic changes that allow neural trauma to evolve from a symptom into a disease. CNS’ regenerative rehabilitation reboots systemic function. Our passion for solution-based recovery is driven from 3 decades of precision care.

The CNS Foundation MISSION is to transform healthcare at the intersection of tissue trauma and neuromotor dysfunction.

CNS Foundation Co-Founders, Mindy Esau and Rebecca Mailloux, bring a combined 65 years of expertise, defining regenerative rehabilitation + neural recovery.

FluidFIT™ NeuroKinetic Programs

A treatment strategy not centered on tissue hydration, biomechanical interference, and neuroplastic transformation, lacks cohesion and efficacy. CNS’ innovative FluidFIT programs close the gap between diagnostics and longevity therapeutics through the restoration of fluid efficiency, biomechanical function, and neuromotor reprograming.

FluidFIT 3 part training improves performance capacity for ALL – particularly in support of those who serve. CNS provides no-cost TBI recovery care to veterans and first responders through our BOWLES BROWN Fund.


REVITALIZE | brain hydration


RESTORE | neural resilience


REPROGRAM | human performance


specializing in NEURODEGENERATIVE rehabilitation

The CNS Foundation MISSION is to transform healthcare at the intersection of tissue trauma and neuromotor dysfunction.


collective years of rehab care


Million lives touched


hours of patient care


humans suffer from undiagnosed whiplash


of trauma deaths are related to TBI

Regenerative Rehabilitation Services


Effective recovery of acute and degenerative conditions leverages the power of neural resilience through flushing metabolic waste from the brain.

Lymph drainage of the brain and spine downregulates the nervous system and hydrates tissue; CNS’ FluidFIT programs REVITALIZE the human brain.

restore FUNCTION

Illuminating the intricate relationship between nervous, neuro lymphatic, and musculo-skeletal function is the foundation of Converging NeuroKinetic Systems.

CNS’ FluidFIT programs rehydrate and RESTORE the human body to enhance movement and fluidity capacity while reducing pain for optimal performance.


Whether degeneration is trauma induced or organic in nature, reprogramming neurological patterns requires neural recovery to elevate tissue performance.

CNS’ FluidFIT performance training is designed to neurologically rewire and reset functional capacity within tissue to REPROGRAM physiological performance.



“A treatment strategy not centered on tissue hydration, biomechanical interference, and neuroplastic transformation, lacks cohesion and efficacy.”

 Mindy Esau | Rebecca Mailloux

CNS Foundation Co-Founders